从一种形式升级到另一种形式, 学生必须有足够的学分, 包括学生期望在未来几年挣到的钱, 达到毕业要求. 学生还必须满足以下描述的“质量要求”.
拿着文凭毕业, a student must earn a minimum of 18 credits in approved college preparatory courses, 包括英语, 4 credits; 数学: Algebra 1, 几何, 和代数2, 3学分; U.S. 历史和另一年的历史, 2 credits; two years of Latin or a modern 语言, 2 credits; two years of 科学, 2 credits; and visual and performing arts, 1信用. 每个学生还必须满足下面描述的“质量要求”.
更典型, 威斯敏斯特大学的毕业生已经积累了以下学分:英语, 4 credits; 数学, 4 credits; 科学, 3学分; 历史, 3学分, 其中一个在美国。.S. 历史; Latin or a modern 语言, 3 or 4 credits; creative arts, 1信用; and electives, 3学分.
The “Quality Requirement” for promotion and graduation: In order to earn a diploma as a Sixth Former or promotion as an underformer, 学生每年必须通过包括英语在内的四门专业课程, 共同海损达到75分.0. 为了通过一学年的课程,学生必须至少达到70分.0. As a general expectation, all students are required to be enrolled in five full-credit courses. Any deviation from this requirement is allowed only by recommendation and approval from the Academic Office.